Raise Your

Steadily Rising releases and distributes your music worldwide to all major platforms & allows you to keep full control and ownership of your career.

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a better platform

Sell your music across all major online platforms with our transparent distribution platform. At Steadily Rising, we believe the artist should have full rights and control to his/her material and career. We provide the user friendly platform to do so, which makes distributing your music easy and getting paid even easier.

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How We Work

We help build your next release, including setups, art work , marketing material and licensing assistance (if required). You set your price and release date and we are ready for blast off! Additionally, we help boost your releases through our internal marketing department.

Keep your Independence!

You'll keep the rights to your music. We believe in giving the power back to the artist. You get paid directly to your bank account upon your request.

No Hidden Costs

We give it to you direct! Transparency is our motto. We are upfront, from distribution to the world's biggest stores and platforms.

Easy tracking of earnings

Keep rising and up to date with your royalty earnings and projected sales across all major platforms with the analytics you'll need to succeed.

Support and Consultation

Our industry professionals are available to help consult your transition or create your online distribution channels.


Rise Now! Get started and connect with our Talent Directors today. Fill out the form and we will connect with you as soon as possible.